
Brown Paper Baggin' It - September 19 2012

Spider-Man: Spider-island Trade Paperback
Journey Into Mystery Vol. 2: Fear Itself Fallout Trade Paperback
Thanos Final Threat #1
The Mighty Thor #20
Spider-Men #5

Sword of Sorcery #0
Batwoman (2011-) #0
Wonder Woman (2011-) #0

Womanthology: Space #1


Music Monday: PSY

It's impossible to be in a bad mood listening to this song.


Entering the 27th.

Today is my 26th birthday. Twenty Six. 2-6. It feels so much bigger than 25 somehow.

Today I start off on my 27th trip around the sun.

I have an amazing magical feeling about it already.


Taking inspiration from one of my favourite blogs, Yes and Yes, I've compiled a list of 27 things I want to complete before I turn 27!

  1. Get a matching tattoo with my sisters (ok, kind of a cheat - I'm doing this later today!)
  2. Go seed bombing
  3. Swim (or probably in my case, flail around) in an ocean
  4. See a van Gogh painting or drawing in person
  5. Play paintball
  6. Attend a murder mystery
  7. Write a business plan
  8. Make a terrarium
  9. Join the YMCA
  10. Make cheese
  11. Eat in the dark
  12. Cook through an entire cookbook
  13. Play Munchkin
  14. Write a fan letter
  15. Go to a ballet
  16. Watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy
  17. Go to a drive in movie
  18. See a Shakespearian play on stage
  19. Complete couch to 5k
  20. Listen to every song by Queen
  21. Go geocaching
  22. Make a stop-motion film
  23. Be able to recite a Poe poem by heart
  24. Audition for a play (not musical!)
  25. Get a professional bra fitting
  26. Play Dungeons and Dragons
  27. Have a piece of art in a gallery

Completed: 6/27



Music Monday: Fun.


Corny as it sounds: believe it = be it

The magic of asking for what you want now has a sequel.

It may sound cliche but it is definitely true that if you can believe in yourself, you can surpass even your own expectations.

If you know me at all you know I AM NOT A DANCER. I enjoy going to clubs, but end up swaying awkwardly around while the rest of the group seems to get possessed by the music. I love being in musicals, but dance auditions were the bane of my existence...


June 3rd I had a dance audition for White Christmas. Two in fact. One tap and one jazz. I'd usually be a bundle of nerves for a few days leading up to it, but this year felt different.

As I hit the stage the one thought in my mind was "I got this!" and I totally did.

While I didn't turn out a So You Think You Can Dance performance, it was honestly the best dance audition I'd ever had. Simply by telling myself "not to worry, you will do it".

Confident thought translated to confident action.

Confident action scored me a spot in the chorus. Chorus = BIG DANCE NUMBERS.


I'm telling you people! The magic works!


That was seriously the best dance audition I've ever had! It's so much easier to dance once you tell yourself you can do it. I actually had no nerves and thought "I got this" as I hit the stage and I totally did! Believe it = be it!

Brown Paper Baggin' It - June 20 2012

Avengers vs. X-Men #6
Avenging Spider-Man #8
Journey into Mystery #640
Astonishing X-Men #51

Batwoman #10
Wonder Woman #10

Dark Horse
B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth- The Devil's Engine #2


Music Monday: Marina and the Diamonds


Friday Foto Roundup: June 8 - June 14


Thursday tHaulsday! DAVIDsTEA


And this was the amazingness that was contained within!

front: Perfect Measuring Spoon

middle: Agave Sticks (natural & coconut), some free samples (Mamma Mia, Exotica, Jessie's Tea), David's Tea Filters

back: Long Life Oolong, Forever Nuts (MY FAVE!!), Tropicalia, Swampwater


Friday Foto Roundup: May 25 - May 31