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Entering the 27th.

Today is my 26th birthday. Twenty Six. 2-6. It feels so much bigger than 25 somehow.

Today I start off on my 27th trip around the sun.

I have an amazing magical feeling about it already.


Taking inspiration from one of my favourite blogs, Yes and Yes, I've compiled a list of 27 things I want to complete before I turn 27!

  1. Get a matching tattoo with my sisters (ok, kind of a cheat - I'm doing this later today!)
  2. Go seed bombing
  3. Swim (or probably in my case, flail around) in an ocean
  4. See a van Gogh painting or drawing in person
  5. Play paintball
  6. Attend a murder mystery
  7. Write a business plan
  8. Make a terrarium
  9. Join the YMCA
  10. Make cheese
  11. Eat in the dark
  12. Cook through an entire cookbook
  13. Play Munchkin
  14. Write a fan letter
  15. Go to a ballet
  16. Watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy
  17. Go to a drive in movie
  18. See a Shakespearian play on stage
  19. Complete couch to 5k
  20. Listen to every song by Queen
  21. Go geocaching
  22. Make a stop-motion film
  23. Be able to recite a Poe poem by heart
  24. Audition for a play (not musical!)
  25. Get a professional bra fitting
  26. Play Dungeons and Dragons
  27. Have a piece of art in a gallery

Completed: 6/27


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