27 before 27: Go to a ballet
On Sunday I got to cross another item off my 27 things before I turn 27 list.
I saw the State Ballet Theatre of Russia's presentation of Nutcracker.
It was beautiful! The insane amount of power and strength these dancers have while appearing effortless and graceful was really something to behold.
Really there were only 2 minor things I disliked about my experience.
- Unlike in the video above, there was only one follow spot and the operator wasn't very on top of capturing the action as it was happening.
- Near the beginning of the second act a large pearl -like bead fell off of a dancer's costume and stayed on the stage for the remainder of the show. Anytime anyone danced near it, it was all I could focus on - worrying that someone would step on it or slip or something. So tense! So many heart palpitations!
I loved seeing all the little girls in tutus that came to see the show. There were even some little boys who seemed to really enjoy themselves too.
It was a great afternoon seeing the show, and I'll definitely be checking out another ballet in the future.
Friday Foto Roundup: November 2 - November 8
White Christmas edition!
Hearts of the Month: October 2012
Well now, it's been a long time since I've done one of these! This month I bring you one audiobook and a load of videos!
AUDIOBOOK - Is It Just Me by Miranda Hart
It's out now, and it is amazingly laugh out loud funny. I purchased it in hardcover AND audiobook format and while I love physical books, something about hearing audiobooks narrated by the author themselves is especially magical.
Here's Miranda reading the first paragraph.
VIDEO - Dads sing "Part of Your World" from THE LITTLE MERMAID
VIDEO - A Conversation With My 12 Year Old Self: 20th Anniversary Edition
VIDEO - Shake It Out: Choral Tribute to Florence and The Machine by the Capital Children's Choir
I think I've listened to this about a billion times and it brings me to the brink of tears EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
VIDEO - Drunk Jeff Goldblum Paypal Ad
A while back someone discovered that if you slow down Jeff Goldblum's voice it will always sound like he is drunk - check youtube for old Drunk Goldblum Apple commericals, they are amazing.
Brown Paper Baggin' It - October 31 2012
Captain Marvel #6
A plus X #1
AvX: Consequences #4
Avenging Spider-Man Annual #1
Journey Into Mystery New Mutants: Exiled (Trade Paperback)
Adventure Time #9
Adventure Time: Marceline and The Scream Queens #4
27 before 27: Munchkin
On October 20, 2012 I participated in my third year of Extra Life. Extra Life is a 24 hour gaming marathon that raises money for Children's Miracle Network hospitals. This year I decided to incorporate board games into my usually 100% video game schedule to give my old eyes a break from the glare of computer and tv screens. Let me tell you it was the BEST IDEA EVER. I got to try out a bunch of new games that I've been wanting to play like Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride and most excitingly MUNCHKIN.
Playing Munchkin just happens to be one of my 27 things I want to do before I turn 27.
I first heard about Munchkin YEARS ago. Five to be exact. I was watching an episode of the Totally Rad Show where they were playing the game and I thought it looked amazing. I immediately bought Super Munchkin but quickly discovered that none of my friends were "into that sort of thing".
Flash forward 5 years and my current group of friends is all about board games! FINALLY!
I've become addicted to a web show called Tabletop. It's basically just Wil Wheaton with various celebrity friends playing a different board game every week. Queue the Munchkin episode.
My interest is piqued all over again. I order Munchkin Deluxe, which they played in the episode.
Admittedly, it does sit in its package for about 2 months but finally on that fine Saturday afternoon (and again at 7am the next morning) MUNCHKIN WAS PLAYED.