
Music Monday: David Bowie


30 Days of Lists: Day 3



30 Days of Lists: Day 1 & 2





Friday Foto Roundup: February 8 - February 28


Brown Paper Baggin' It: Pull List in Review

A year ago, over on my old blog I wrote a post outlining all the series I was currently reading, stopped reading and was thinking of dropping. I thought it may be fun (well for me at least hah!) to look back and see what has changed or not one year later.

Of the 8 series I was subscribed to then, I am only subscribed to Avenging Spider-Man and Deadpool. Amazing Spider-Man and BPRD Hell on Earth: The Long Death have since ended and I dropped Batwoman, Journey into Mystery (after Kieron Gillan's Kid Loki story was over), Wolverine & the X-Men & Wonder Woman. I also stopped buying both Animal Man and Swamp Thing on my phone.

Last February I was considering subscribing to 9 other titles and of those right now I am only subscribed to Adventure Time.

Here's what my current pull lists consist of:

Subscribed titles:

  1. Adventure Time (BOOM! Studios)
  2. Avengers Assemble (Marvel Comics)
  3. Avenging Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)
  4. Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics)
  5. Deadpool (Marvel Comics)
  6. The Fearless Defenders (Marvel Comics)
  7. Hellboy in Hell (Dark Horse)
  8. Young Avengers (Marvel Comics)
  9. Deadpool Killustrated (mini-series) (Marvel Comics)
  10. Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake (mini-series) (BOOM! Studios)

I also read the comic Saga (Image Comics) digitally on my iPad mini. Not only am I completely LOVING the series, I am loving using my iPad to read it. I can see switching many of my titles over to the digital format. The "guided view" way the comic apps take you panel by panel through the story is perfect for me, who has many times lost out on the surprise moments when my eyes skipped ahead across the page before they were supposed to.


Fat Tuesday #3

The amazing Rachele at The Nearsighted Owl is running a 52 week e-course and blog series called HOW TO BE A FAT BITCH and I've enrolled as a student. You should too! Fat acceptance, fatshion and being your awesome self is the name of the game.




Our assignment this week is:

Challenge yourself to wear something that you might have felt weary about in the past. Break up your routine with something different and you might open yourself up to some radical new styles!

I haven't had the chance to try out any new pieces of clothing but I have set myself some "style resolutions" that I'd love to take a crack at over the next year.

  • Wear shorts and more sleeveless tops this summer
  • Try a high waisted skirt
  • Try some new bolder patterns
  • Get a bikini! (This one freaks me out - so I know it has to happen)


Music Monday: Laura Mvula


Weekend Wishlist - Cosmic Love

As I mentioned in THIS POST, I've been seeing the word COSMIC pop up all over the place in my life recently and I'm loving it! I decided to celebrate with a cosmic themed wishlist. 


Fat Tuesday #2

The amazing Rachele at The Nearsighted Owl is running a 52 week e-course and blog series called HOW TO BE A FAT BITCH and I've enrolled as a student. You should too! Fat acceptance, fatshion and being your awesome self is the name of the game.




Our assignment this week is:

Reclaim the word fat and do something amazing with it. Make art, take photos of yourself with fat written on you, bake a cake with fat written in frosting, etc. I can't wait to see what you do!



In all it's fry supremey glory!


What do you love most about the word fat? How has the word fat evolved for you?

I sort of love the way it makes people uncomfortable when I use it to describe myself. After I stop laughing at the people trying to 'reassure' me that "you're not fat!" it usually opens a dialogue where I can explain how the word fat doesn't mean bad - it's simply the opposite of thin. I feel weirdly powerful when I use the word. I proudly proclaimed all over facebook and twitter "Fatties unite! TODAY IS OUR DAY!" to celebrate Fat Tuesday. I love the confused looks I get when I wear my shirt that says "I'm fat, let's party".

To be honest I can't really remember feeling that the word fat was a bad word. I was well aware that most of the rest of the world felt that way pretty early on. I remember being in elementary school on the monkey bars and having a boy in an older grade come up to me and saying "you can't do that - you're too fat" and me rolling my eyes and saying "pfft yes I can". Go 7 year old me! However, even though I never felt that fat was a bad thing, as I got older I started using "other people think fat is a bad thing" as an excuse for not trying things - sports in high school, dancing, dating etc. It's something I'm still working on, but it's getting better!


11 things on the 11th: February 2013

The 11 things I am doing on February 11th 2013:

Eating Kashi Fruit & Grain Dark Chocolate Coconut granola bar.
Drinking chocolate milk.
Craving movie theatre popcorn.
Reading Saga (issue #9).
Listening to the Harmontown podcast. Going back and catching up on all the episodes I've missed.
Watching Masterchef Australia: The Professionals.
Surfing Pinterest like a mad fool, searching for new seafood recipes.
Wearing Quo by ORLY nail polish in Bling it On, Philip Stein watch.
Making an epic to-do list.
Noticing the word COSMIC popping up a ton in my life. In the strangest places too. I'm loving it!
Lusting after this necklace.