Entries in FATshion (3)


Hearts of the Month: February 2013

It's a few days late but boy have I got four great videos and an awesome article to share!



Article: Group of Men Have Played Game of Tag for 23 Years...


Fat Tuesday #3

The amazing Rachele at The Nearsighted Owl is running a 52 week e-course and blog series called HOW TO BE A FAT BITCH and I've enrolled as a student. You should too! Fat acceptance, fatshion and being your awesome self is the name of the game.




Our assignment this week is:

Challenge yourself to wear something that you might have felt weary about in the past. Break up your routine with something different and you might open yourself up to some radical new styles!

I haven't had the chance to try out any new pieces of clothing but I have set myself some "style resolutions" that I'd love to take a crack at over the next year.

  • Wear shorts and more sleeveless tops this summer
  • Try a high waisted skirt
  • Try some new bolder patterns
  • Get a bikini! (This one freaks me out - so I know it has to happen)


Fat Tuesday #1


The amazing Rachele at The Nearsighted Owl is running a 52 week e-course and blog series called HOW TO BE A FAT BITCH and I've enrolled as a student. You should too! Fat acceptance, fatshion and being your awesome self is the name of the game.




Our assignment this week is:

Write down 5 things that you are going to do that make you happy. Not "even though you are fat" but because you are fat and awesome. 5 things that have nothing to do with trying for the sake of others. 5 things for yourself and your well being.


EXTRA CREDIT: Do some of them!

 So here is my list!


  1. Do yoga in the morning before work. It's a perfect way to start the day instead of sleeping in and having to rush through the morning and ending up stressed out before the day has even really begun.
  2. Create a new before-bed beauty routine. Specifically Moisturizing! Since I haven't found any products that have really spoken to me yet maybe I'll subscribe to one of those beauty crates I've been meaning to check out!
  3. Pick up some new lipsticks. Nothing makes me feel more ready to take on the world than a rocking colour on my lips.
  4. Treat my haggard feet to a pedicure. My dance shoes from the musical last year really did a number on my poor feet. They have definitely seen better days. Need to get them presentable before it's flip flop season again!
  5. Start taking some outfat (outfit - oooh amazing typo) photos. I've always wanted to, but never really have the confidence. Now is the time.