Fat Tuesday #1

The amazing Rachele at The Nearsighted Owl is running a 52 week e-course and blog series called HOW TO BE A FAT BITCH and I've enrolled as a student. You should too! Fat acceptance, fatshion and being your awesome self is the name of the game.
Our assignment this week is:
Write down 5 things that you are going to do that make you happy. Not "even though you are fat" but because you are fat and awesome. 5 things that have nothing to do with trying for the sake of others. 5 things for yourself and your well being.
EXTRA CREDIT: Do some of them!
So here is my list!
- Do yoga in the morning before work. It's a perfect way to start the day instead of sleeping in and having to rush through the morning and ending up stressed out before the day has even really begun.
- Create a new before-bed beauty routine. Specifically Moisturizing! Since I haven't found any products that have really spoken to me yet maybe I'll subscribe to one of those beauty crates I've been meaning to check out!
- Pick up some new lipsticks. Nothing makes me feel more ready to take on the world than a rocking colour on my lips.
- Treat my haggard feet to a pedicure. My dance shoes from the musical last year really did a number on my poor feet. They have definitely seen better days. Need to get them presentable before it's flip flop season again!
- Start taking some outfat (outfit - oooh amazing typo) photos. I've always wanted to, but never really have the confidence. Now is the time.
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